
This gorgeous hot cross buns recipe is courtesy of @sisi.vegancook

Bun Ingredients: 

  • 1 box Joy of Enjoy Dark Chocolate Buttons (chopped up) 
  • 280g AP flour 
  • 135 ml plant milk (of your choice) 
  • 56g room temperature vegan butter 
  • 60g sugar 
  • 7g instant yeast 
  • Cinnamon, all-spice, salt, caramel aroma 

Bun Recipe: 

  1. Mix all the ingredients (except for the chocolate) in a bowl until it forms a dough
  2. Knead for 10 minutes, and then add the chopped up chocolate buttons and knead for a little while longer 
  3. Cover with tea towel and let rest for an hour in a warm place 
  4. Divide the dough into 9 equal buns and add into a pre-greased baking dish. Cover and let sit for another hour 
  5. Preheat the oven to 180℃ and prepare the cross mix

Cross Ingredients: 

  • 35g oat flour 
  • 45ml water 
  • 7g cocoa powder 
  • Flavdrops 

Cross Recipe: 

  1. Mix all the ingredients together into a piping bag and create a cross on top of the buns 
  2. Bake for 20 minutes and spread reduced sugar and water solution for extra glaze 
  3. Enjoy!